Bikini Pic of the Week


(you know, my mother is right next to me as I’m posting this up. XD AWKWARD.)

Anyway, let’s talk about stuff man.

Have you all been watching Majisuka Gakuen? I hope so. I’m looking forward to gothic lolita Myao. XD And well, I want to find out more about TakaMina’s character. I mean look at her!

She’s so damn cool. *melts*

So on a random note, I had this great idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to have an H!P trading card game? You better say yes. Anyway, I made up some rules, but I still have to work out some kinks and then write them down and make them sound all smart and stuff. But, I have some samples of how the cards will look.


Now these are probably some of the stronger cards in the Erika series.  I can’t make all the cards that powerful.  But I’ll be posting more cards as I do them. Will I ever finish this? Who knows.  LOL.

(I just noticed I still have up that Christmas banner pic. LMFAO. That will definitely be changed soon.)



When I see this picture, I feel things I shouldn’t be feeling, considering her age and all, but….DAYUM!!!! This photobook is on my MUST GET list, along with ManoEri’s new one. AHH….yeahhh.

Random Post about Stuff :D

First I want to talk about something I did the other day.  I ordered from Hello!Store USA.  Now this isn’t the first time I’ve ordered something from there. My very first order was a C-ute photocard set.   I spent 12 bucks on that, but it was worth it. I swear seeing the pics in person is so much better than seeing them online. But this isn’t the point.  My parents got their tax money (or something, i don’t know. *shrugs*) and my dad gave each of us 65 bucks.  I bought some blank dvds and a dvd case..and cat food. ^_^’ (but seriously those were the best 25 bucks I’ve ever spent. XD)

For a long while now, I’ve been bitching to my sister that I want to buy the AKB48 calendar and get the BLT’s that come with them. So you’d figure I would buy the calendar after getting that money…but well…I didn’t. Instead I bought what you see below.


Now before you say “OMG LUCKYYYYY” just check the price.


For most fans, (the rich ones) this is probably just like 1/4 of what they usually spend and they don’t have their mothers breathing down their necks whenever something comes in the mail.  (or maybe they do.)

So yeah, when my mom finds out what I bought….Photobucket

Lmao, but I don’t care, I’m gonna get an Erika towel!!! XD XD XD Funny thing too, I think as soon as I placed my order the towels were out of stock. I totally lucked out. 😀 Question: Would it be weird to have a mini shrine in my room? My friend suggested buying candles and maybe sticking a pic of the girls on it. I thought it was a pretty cool idea actually. XD Though I fear my mother will have something to say about what I want to do. You all know how moms are.

Ok, so now onto the next order of business. I saw this picture on an AKB48 imageboard and I had to save it.

I suddenly really want to buy this DVD.  I mean they have it in Blu-Ray (but the price….ahhhh) I would so totally want to see Meetan in High Def. XD I mean look at Mariko’s face. She’s totally enjoying it. haha


She’s beautiful, really.  Like, words cannot even describe just how gorgeous I think she is.  Some time has passed and even though I’ve gotten familiar with more girls, Takamina still remains my favorite. Look at that face…how can you not like her? ❤

Erika Umeda Patch

I get bored.


And, I made designs for some other ones. Well..more like I copied the designs I already saw. XD


I had to improvise on the bottom cuz I couldn’t read what it said. D: And yes, I can see it’s not pointy enough. I’ll fix that when I trace it out onto the fabric.

Erika Umeda Project Final

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I’ll miss her….. ;_; but I have confidence that she’ll be successful. A new beginning for a wonderful young woman. ❤

T-Shirt Designs

(I forget where I found this, if it’s yours, tell me so I can credit you for the pic. 🙂 )
(Can you even see that? >_>)

Now I really want to do TakaMina, Miichan, Sayaka, Myao and Sumire, but damn, their designs are hard and the original pic is hard to work with.  It’s not gonna stop me from trying though. XD

Don’t you just LOVE photoshop?

I’ve been keeping myself busy by messing around with photoshop.  I was looking through some pics I had and had a sudden idea.  My skills are still pretty limited but I think I did a damn good job.  I’d like to thank my brain, and YajiUme for the following presentation.

Original pic

My awesome version of it

It’s lovely isn’t it? ISN’T IT??? AGREE WITH ME!!! XD XD XD XD XD

Ok, anyway…

My version
It’s not perfect, but I still like it. I might actually use this for the fic I’m working on. Make it the official fic banner or something.

Oh, if anyone wants to use this for something, please credit me. I did work hard on these. 😀

But yes, anyway, this is what I spend my time doing. Aren’t I soooo very productive with my life?
Tomorrow, I’ll post up some t-shirt designs I extracted from official H!P photocards.

Erika Umeda Project

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Erika Umeda Project

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15 more to go XD. I’m particularly fond of number 34. I don’t even know why.  😛

Erika Umeda Project

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